Sunday, July 23, 2006

President Achmadinedschad brings Merkel into bad embarrassment

Of Matthias Hartmann
On this postal service, Angela Merkel would have been able to renounce also well. Yet one had to confirm that on Thursday the announced letter of the iranian Präsidenten Mahmut Achmadinedschad actually had gone in. Over the contents of the letter, one endured seeped officially no statements, but a few things. Officially only was announced, would be the letter "confused" and for the Federal Government "delicate". Know not yet whether and ggfs. how one would answer.
The letter had, divided meanwhile the iranian news agency with, of Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki the German "boss d´affaires" in Teheran - in absence of the German ambassador submitted become. It was forwarded then and would become "translated and evaluated" presently. Disappointed one gave that the letter would make no statements on the iranian atom program, but rather would be concerned mainly with the Palestinian problem and proposals would make himself how one could solve jointly this question. Halboffiziell was announced also that the letter would contain passage extraordinarily Israel critical and Jew critical. Otherwise it would be would flatter "binding in the tone" the German and would contain general executions over Islam. Altogether it should be long about 10 sides.

One can imagine, transferred has, in which excitement the letter Achmadinedschads is handled the Federal Government, sowiet it with the subject. For Angela Merkel set - as its decision most important international until now - all that under Schröder easily deteriorated relation to the US-administration to produce again. Previous remarks, that goutiert already visible also by George W. Bush became, show that one sets on that to revalue through in substance subordination vis-à-vis the USA and unconditional solidarity with Israel the own roll that can be then however no more political eigentständige. Both aspects, the "friendship to the USA" and the per-israeli bearing had been looked at for Adenauers times always as a German national country reason, easily softened for the first time - if also only symobolisch - under Schröder, that the German latitude temporarily through one - more imaginary - German-Russian-French axis wanted to expand. At the same time the agitator with the friendly face had hung herself already on the security conference in Munich against Achmadinedschad far out of the window when it its government with the "arising national socialism" equalized.

Obviously Achmadinedschad begins on that and tries to encounter the German foreign policy at its breach place to the USA and to split both wiedergwonnenen friends. Thoroughly no unwise behavior because it demands of the German government a decision, that can fall out for this so or so only unfavorably. If everything does not deceive, Angela Merkel - and would be it in the bush-visit in Stralsund - of the impending israeli blow learned and arranged with bush an Abwartehaltung, give should the Israels time, the situation in that sewed to stamp East militarily decisively. It would waver now also only in outline, it would be with the good relation to bush immediately past and therewith the government Merkel already after a year on all zones failed. It rejects the letter however brusque how it calls for Israel already as obvious, it becomes a US-American puppet. The German influence in the Arabic-islamic room, anyway how remarks out of the Lebanon (of Hassan Nasrallah) show and Afghanistan, strongly retrograde, would do it therewith no favor. Incidentally it would run also in contrast to a part of its European ally.

Yet the courage to join also only the Russian demand for an immediate armistice in Lebanon, will not have Merkel. It will stand - perhaps "binding in the tone" - on the side of the USA and Israel and has loses therewith already the little political latitude that had acquired Schröder.


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