Friday, July 28, 2006

Why Israel will lose

Why Israel will lose
Rainer Rupp
Israel began a war in Lebanon against Hisbollah, which with large probability the fear of its military apparatus, spread in the region, will fall to the victim. Parallel ones to the war of the USA in the Iraq are obvious. The theory for the entire middle east and becomes beyond that its that more carried by the people, well train, organized andful ul resistance cannot be defeated in the so-called asymmetrical fight even by the best Hightech army. This teachings will be not only for Israel, but also for the US plans from devastating effect. Therefore it might not concern in the present war the "birth-sore of a new middle east", as US Foreign Minister Condoleezza Rice means, but around a turning point in the relationship of Israel and its protecting power the USA to the Arab world. The strategists in Washington and Isael are obviously aware of its, because they swore to the participants in the field that "Israel must win!"

A victory of Israel becomes however ever more illusionary. To smash Hisbollah, and from air, contradicts the military logic. Here the desire was raised to the strategy, which only the reality loss of the planners in Jerusalem and Washington testifies. They assumed that that the Lebaneses meet the most ardent desire to the Israelis, who put their country in debris and ash from gratitude, i.e. Hisbollah politically and militarily to entmachten. The opposite is the case. Also Israel did not escape meanwhile that Hisbollah is as never strong today in Lebanon as. Anyhow the Olmert government reduced its war goals gradually in hope of not losing the face. Originally the aggression should serve Tel advice to eliminate Hisbollah as organization. The speech was later from the destruction of the military arm of the Hisbollah. At present it concerns only its attenuation. In view of the successful Hisbollah resistance now the new so-called security strip, which Israel in south Lebanon wanted to furnish, should be wide according to statement of major general Benny Gantz, commander of the Israeli ground troops, on Thursday in the New York Times instead of 30 kilometers only up to two kilometers.

Thereby unimportant which still undertakes Israel now. Even if it strengthens its Bombardements, it cannot improve its position opposite Hamas and Hisbollah any longer, geschweige opposite Syria or Iran. Logic power politics mentioned that a situation, in which Israel cannot triumph militarily means its defeat. The country maintains the military power of the region strongest with distance. If he does not succeed in despite gigantic use of force forcing upon to the opponent its will that will increase its problems, e.g. in the occupied areas. Hisbollah boss Hasan Nasrallah recognized this dilemma clearly. In an interview with aluminium he said Dschasira from 22 July: "if one with the defense is successful, is that a victory". It continued the fact that "around Lebanon in Palestine it show up the result of the battle" become and referred to the fact that "the comprehensive resistance in Palestine developed only after the victory (the Hisbollah) in Lebanon".

Also Mo of arene, war-joyful former the Secretary of Defense and outside, recognized the indications of the time. In the newspaper it warned Haaretz that Hisbollah possibly ungeschlagen from the conflict come out could. That would be "a disaster for Israel", because Hisbollah boss Nasrallah was celebrated in the whole region as a hero, who opposed unpunished Israel.


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