Climate researchers contradict bush
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Climate researchers contradict bush
The warming has been as strong as since 400, probably since 1000 years no longer. Primary cause are "human activities". High-carat researchers report that now to also the US-congress in a study that a party colleague of George W. Bush had ordered.
"Human activities are responsibly for the large part of the warming quite recently" - this conclusion likes to occur citizens of European countries banal. In the USA, it is still a political issue. Therefore Academy rescues the expert reports of that nationally of Sciences (SNEEZED) at the US-congress thoroughly explosive material. "The latest warming is unprecedented for the last 400 years and possibly cooked for the last millenniums", write the researchers according to the news agency AP.
In the report " Surface temperature Reconstructions for the load 2,000 Years" around a summary of the latest scientific knowledges and therewith also the specialty debate to the climate change. Several researchers have SNEEZED composed this overview work on behalf that. The chairperson of the science committee of the US-Repräsentatenhauses, Sherwood Boehlert, had SNEEZED asked that in November for the study.
Therewith Boehlert, a republican delegate reacted out of New York, to a harassment of its party colleague Joe bar tone. The Texan had initiate let ascertainments against three climate researchers in the past year. Bar tone presides the end shot for energy and trade, that had deemphasized the sequences of the climate change repeatedly. Repeatedly critical scientists in the climate debate had been made by authorities representatives or government representatives in the USA mouth dead. A bush-adviser should have manipulated quite studies .
Government challenges size of the climate change
The US-government under the president and former oil manager George W. Bush had argued repeatedly, would be the climate change not so strongly that he would justify countermeasure, that would cost five million jobs. Especially against that joins eject dammed will should to the Kyoto-Protkoll, with that internationally that the climate gas carbon dioxide, so had argued the government.
Although the Intergovernemental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) used by the UN already in the year 2001 in a study, that on wide scientific consent fußte, before which drastic sequences of the climate change warned had, the US-government disputed further that the warming of the last decades is to be led back generally to the person.
The documentary "at Inconvenient Truth" of the former US vice president al Gore, that is to be seen since short in the US movie theaters, tried exactly this connection of a wide population nahezubringen. Shortly before the movie release reacted the oil lobby with an advertising campaign in which the hothouse effect was placed by carbon dioxide in agreement.
The UN wants to publish in February 2007 the next IPCC-report. In a design to this report of the May of this year, that existed SPIEGEL ONLINE, the experts drew another more drastic picture: The melting of the arctic ice tank is to be prevented hardly more. No one challenges that the person in large parts causes the warming.
"Activities of the person"
Now also the authors of the SNEEZED Meta study certify the US-congress: Let the earth warming has been present on the highest state for 400 years. For this period, let the climate data be reliable enough for this end. But also in the frame of the last 1000 years, let the latest warming be possibly unprecedented, judged the group. Here let the data be however no longer so unambiguous.
Yet fewer the authors confidently appeared regarding the temperature course of the last 2000 years - because of the thinner data situation for one compare to the present.
On the other hand that would be eject had been rather constant especially the gases promoting the hothouse effect carbon dioxide and methane over the last 12,000 years, had increased however from the industrialization rapid. Let "activities of the person" be the reason for the massive warming, so the report.
The famous "hockeys embroider" -graphics of the climate researchers man, Bradley and Hughes out of the nineties, showed this development as steep towards the top schnellende curve similarly to the lower, bent end of a hockey beater. Skeptics of the climate change had reproached especially again and again selective analysis of data and tendentious representation for these three authors - welcome lining for the argumentation of US-politicians, that wanted to accept no regulation of the CO2-Ausstoßes.
Let yet the conclusions of man, Bradley and Hughes be "rather near at the truth", said John Wallace of the University of Washington, a member of the SNEEZED-group. Newer knowledges supported this conclusion also. Solely the conclusion of man, Bradleys and Huges' that the nineties had been the warmest decade and 1998 the warmest year within a millennium, did not want to support the SNEEZED-authors - "because the uncertainties more largely are in the temperature reconstruction for single years and decade much than for longer periods".
Latest research results had shown that the climate change has among other things influence on the animal world in the German bay. On tip mountain, researchers, the past spring reported had been warmer 13 degrees than normal. A Nordpol-Bohrkern safe recently points quite on that there that carbon dioxide of the atmosphere supposed yet more strongly aufheizt than previously.
That SNEEZED ON belong approximately 2000 US scientist and about 350 foreign members, 200 of them are noble prize winner.,1518,423044,00.html
Climate researchers contradict bush
The warming has been as strong as since 400, probably since 1000 years no longer. Primary cause are "human activities". High-carat researchers report that now to also the US-congress in a study that a party colleague of George W. Bush had ordered.
"Human activities are responsibly for the large part of the warming quite recently" - this conclusion likes to occur citizens of European countries banal. In the USA, it is still a political issue. Therefore Academy rescues the expert reports of that nationally of Sciences (SNEEZED) at the US-congress thoroughly explosive material. "The latest warming is unprecedented for the last 400 years and possibly cooked for the last millenniums", write the researchers according to the news agency AP.
In the report " Surface temperature Reconstructions for the load 2,000 Years" around a summary of the latest scientific knowledges and therewith also the specialty debate to the climate change. Several researchers have SNEEZED composed this overview work on behalf that. The chairperson of the science committee of the US-Repräsentatenhauses, Sherwood Boehlert, had SNEEZED asked that in November for the study.
Therewith Boehlert, a republican delegate reacted out of New York, to a harassment of its party colleague Joe bar tone. The Texan had initiate let ascertainments against three climate researchers in the past year. Bar tone presides the end shot for energy and trade, that had deemphasized the sequences of the climate change repeatedly. Repeatedly critical scientists in the climate debate had been made by authorities representatives or government representatives in the USA mouth dead. A bush-adviser should have manipulated quite studies .
Government challenges size of the climate change
The US-government under the president and former oil manager George W. Bush had argued repeatedly, would be the climate change not so strongly that he would justify countermeasure, that would cost five million jobs. Especially against that joins eject dammed will should to the Kyoto-Protkoll, with that internationally that the climate gas carbon dioxide, so had argued the government.
Although the Intergovernemental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) used by the UN already in the year 2001 in a study, that on wide scientific consent fußte, before which drastic sequences of the climate change warned had, the US-government disputed further that the warming of the last decades is to be led back generally to the person.
The documentary "at Inconvenient Truth" of the former US vice president al Gore, that is to be seen since short in the US movie theaters, tried exactly this connection of a wide population nahezubringen. Shortly before the movie release reacted the oil lobby with an advertising campaign in which the hothouse effect was placed by carbon dioxide in agreement.
The UN wants to publish in February 2007 the next IPCC-report. In a design to this report of the May of this year, that existed SPIEGEL ONLINE, the experts drew another more drastic picture: The melting of the arctic ice tank is to be prevented hardly more. No one challenges that the person in large parts causes the warming.
"Activities of the person"
Now also the authors of the SNEEZED Meta study certify the US-congress: Let the earth warming has been present on the highest state for 400 years. For this period, let the climate data be reliable enough for this end. But also in the frame of the last 1000 years, let the latest warming be possibly unprecedented, judged the group. Here let the data be however no longer so unambiguous.
Yet fewer the authors confidently appeared regarding the temperature course of the last 2000 years - because of the thinner data situation for one compare to the present.
On the other hand that would be eject had been rather constant especially the gases promoting the hothouse effect carbon dioxide and methane over the last 12,000 years, had increased however from the industrialization rapid. Let "activities of the person" be the reason for the massive warming, so the report.
The famous "hockeys embroider" -graphics of the climate researchers man, Bradley and Hughes out of the nineties, showed this development as steep towards the top schnellende curve similarly to the lower, bent end of a hockey beater. Skeptics of the climate change had reproached especially again and again selective analysis of data and tendentious representation for these three authors - welcome lining for the argumentation of US-politicians, that wanted to accept no regulation of the CO2-Ausstoßes.
Let yet the conclusions of man, Bradley and Hughes be "rather near at the truth", said John Wallace of the University of Washington, a member of the SNEEZED-group. Newer knowledges supported this conclusion also. Solely the conclusion of man, Bradleys and Huges' that the nineties had been the warmest decade and 1998 the warmest year within a millennium, did not want to support the SNEEZED-authors - "because the uncertainties more largely are in the temperature reconstruction for single years and decade much than for longer periods".
Latest research results had shown that the climate change has among other things influence on the animal world in the German bay. On tip mountain, researchers, the past spring reported had been warmer 13 degrees than normal. A Nordpol-Bohrkern safe recently points quite on that there that carbon dioxide of the atmosphere supposed yet more strongly aufheizt than previously.
That SNEEZED ON belong approximately 2000 US scientist and about 350 foreign members, 200 of them are noble prize winner.,1518,423044,00.html